Author: Confetti Park

  • Change the life of a kid through CASA

    Photo provided by CASA Jefferson
    Photo provided by CASA Jefferson

    This is a special edition of Confetti Park. 

    Katy Ray interviews Rosana Gonzalez, Executive Director of CASA Jefferson, who is looking for volunteers to advocate for foster children in Jefferson Parish. In 2014, CASA Jefferson served 295 kids in Jefferson parish with only 150 volunteers.

    In other words, about 15% of foster care children in Jefferson parish courts are in need of an advocate. There is a definite shortage of volunteers—but on the bright side, it’s definitely an attainable goal!

    Katy Ray asks Rosana questions to try to really understand the role of a CASA volunteer. She asks Rosana to describe a hypothetical situation so that potential volunteers might be able to anticipate what they will be undertaking.

    CASA stands for “Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children.” From the national organization’s website: “Every day in this country, 1,900 children become victims of abuse or neglect, and four of them will die. Every day. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children is a network of 951 community-based programs that recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in courtrooms and communities.”

    Says Rosana, “The advocate is there for that one individual child. They are considered the judge’s witness. They are making sure that child’s time in foster care is limited and is best as it can be.”

    A few quick informational items:

    • An advocate does not need legal expertise or experience.
    • The average foster child spends 22 months in custody. So the CASA volunteer has a required two year commitment.
    • A good advocate is an objective person who can come into a situation and look out for the best interests of a child, who can communicate well and is culturally competent and aware, and most of all, who has genuine concern for the well-being of children.
    • The amount of time spent on a case per month typically ranges between 8-10 hours.

    If you are interested in being a volunteer, or just want more information before you decide, call 504-533-8757 or visit the website

  • Music Medley: Songs of Donuts & Brains

    Glazed-DonutWelcome to Confetti Park,  a magical playground of music and stories for kids everywhere. What’s unique about these songs, and these stories, is that they all come from Louisiana. This medley of kids music shows the diversity of Louisiana musicians. Songs featured in this episode, in order:

    • If I Only Had a Brain – Paul Sanchez
    • Buckwheat Zydeco – Skip to My Lou
    • Sue – Michael Doucet
    • A Long Time to Come, performed by PH Fred and Friends
    • Floating in a Donut Hole – Philip Melancon
    • Buttermilk Drop – Confetti Park Players
    • Baby You Wait on Your Mama – Alan Dyson
    • Music Memory: Jason Rhein
    • Renaissance Cadienne – J’ai du bon Tabac
    • Storytime: Why the Possum has a Large Grin – Johnette Downing

    Confetti Park current broadcast schedule:

  • Music Memory from Jason Rhein

    Jason Rhein is the bassist in New Orleans’ acclaimed rock band Rotary Downs, as well as singer-songwriter in the brother-sister children’s group Jason & Layla. Jason is also the owner of Elephant Quilt production studio and a partner at Marigny Recording Studio. Through these entities, Jason has had a major impact on the contemporary sound of New Orleans. Jason shares with us a special music memory from his childhood.

    Jason and Layla

  • Storytime: Snoballs for All by Alex McConduit

    Storytime: Snoballs for All by Alex McConduit

    Snoballs for All by Alex McConduit
    Snoballs for All by Alex McConduit

    In this episode of Confetti Park, New Orleans-based children’s author Alex McConduit narrates his adorable story Snoballs for All. 

    The best part of a hot, humid New Orleans summer is slurping up a big, round, icy-cold, brightly-colored snoball. That’s exactly what Paul wants to do, but he can’t find the snoball festival! He searches all through the city for just one snoball (although two would be better, and three would be best). Where will Paul find snoballs for all?

    Snoballs for All is a perfect gift for any Southern kid. We all understand the need for an icy snoball on a hot summer day! Kids from the Confetti Park Players provide the chorus in this narration.

    Snoballs for All was illustrated by Paulina Ganucheau. It is available through Pelican Publishing and for sale on Amazon.

    Alex is the owner of Big Boot Books and founder of W.R.I.T.E., a youth publishing program that transforms students in New Orleans into published authors.

  • Music Memory from Rockin Dopsie, Jr.

    A music memory from Rockin Dopsie, Jr., zydeco musician, washboard player, singer and lead personality of The Zydeco Twisters. Dopsie, Jr. and his family are carrying on the legacy of their father, famed accordionist Rockin’ Dopsie, Sr., the crowned prince of zydeco. In this music memory, Dopsie, Jr. discusses his earliest influences.

    Rockin Dopsie, Jr. Photo by Sally Asher
    Rockin Dopsie, Jr. Photo by Sally Asher
  • Music Medley “Baby Astronaut”

    Baby AstronautConfetti Park is a community radio program out of New Orleans. We feature local storytellers and songs that kids love, songs created for kids, or created by kids, right here in Louisiana.

    This medley of kids music shows the diversity of Louisiana musicians.

    Songs featured in this episode, in order:

    • Jack & Jill – Wardell Quezergue
    • Cool Man – Los Po-boy-citos
    • Jenny Had a Rocket – PH Fred
    • Dancing on the Moon – Confetti  Park Players
    • Radio Controlled Airplanes – Jimmy Cousins
    • Airplane – Confetti  Park Players
    • Red Bird – Leadbelly
    • Five Little Butterflies – Johnette Downing

  • Storytime: The Pea in Peanut Butter by Allyn Stotz

    The Pea in Peanut Butter
    The Pea in Peanut Butter

    This week’s featured story is The Pea in Peanut Butter by Allyn Stotz of Baton Rouge.

    The Pea in Peanut Butter is the story of little Kailee, who absolutely loves peanut butter and resists other healthful foods. But a bedtime snack turns into a dance party with all of the foods in the kitchen pantry when they come to life. This story teaches young children about the various healthy foods hiding in the pantry.

    The book was illustrated by Valerie Bouthyette and was published by FutureWord Publishing. The Pea in Peanut Butter is for sale on Amazon.

    Allyn maintains a blog at

  • Music Memory from John McCusker

    John McCusker is a journalist, photographer, historian and a musician from New Orleans. He is the author of Creole Trombone: Kid Ory and the Early Years of Jazz.  John shares a music memory from when he was a kid with Confetti Park.

    John McCusker.
    John McCusker. Photo by Vicky Marshall-Beasley
  • Interview: Meet Tommie Townsley

    Interview: Meet Tommie Townsley

    Tommie Townsley, Louisiana children's author and publisher
    Tommie Townsley, Louisiana children’s author and publisher

    Tommie Townsley is a Cajun children’s author from Lake Charles, Louisiana. She published her first book, Adolpheaux the Adventurous Dolphin, in 2005, and from that sweet beginning has launched a children’s book empire headquartered in Southwest Louisiana.

    In this interview, Tommie talks about her driving mission to get more kids in Louisiana interested in books: “Children are our future. We need to get them reading, especially in our state. We are losing our readers by the fourth grade. So I’m traveling all over the state, and I’m getting new authors on board, to promote reading. We can do that by making it fun to read.”

    Tommie is now the author of seven children’s books, all of them charming Cajun animal tales about Louisiana and its unique culture. In addition, Tommie has launched a children’s publishing company called Ally-Gator BookBites, in which she assists authors with publishing services including editorial, layout, illustrations, printing, marketing, distribution, and professional consulting.

    Tommie is a vital part of the arts and culture scene in Louisiana. She has been an inspiration to children throughout the state with her charming Cajun animal tales. She is also the chairwoman of the Southwest Louisiana Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Guild and a board member for the Children’s Museum of Lake Charles.

    Visit Tommie’s website, to learn about Dixie the Old Dog, Amos the Artistic Alligator, Clyde the Cajun Calf, and a number of other animal friends sharing their unique culture.

    Listen to Tommie read Amos the Artistic Alligator on Confetti Park!

  • Music Medley “Pirate’s Favorite Letter”

    Pitot the Pelican, from the Swamp Quest app
    Pitot the Pelican, from the Swamp Quest app

    Confetti Park is a community radio program out of New Orleans. We feature local storytellers and songs that kids love, songs created for kids, or created by kids, right here in Louisiana.

    This medley of kids music shows the diversity of Louisiana musicians.

    Songs featured in this episode, in order:

    • Sally Brown – Valparaiso Men’s Chorus
    • Louis Lafitte – Confetti Park Players
    • Drunken Sailor – Jeremy Lyons IN-STUDIO PERFORMANCE
    • The Rooster & the Chicken – Kandice Chester
    • Circling Alligators – AJ Loria
    • Alligator Snap – Johnnete Downing
    • Emus – Lightning Bugs
    • L’arc en Ciel – Michael Doucet and Family

  • Music Memory from Layla Isis Ellison

    Music Memory from Layla Isis Ellison

    Layla Isis Ellison is half of the brother-sister duo Jason & Layla, who write and perform original children’s music. While Layla lives in New York City, where she is a professional dancer, she regularly returns to her home state of Louisiana to perform onstage at children’s festivals. Here, she shares with us a music memory from her own Baton Rouge childhood.

    Jason & Layla
    Jason & Layla


  • Storytime: Amos the Artistic Alligator by Tommie Townsley

    Storytime: Amos the Artistic Alligator by Tommie Townsley

    Storytime: Amos the Artistic Alligator by Tommie Townsley
    Amos the Artistic Alligator

    In this episode of Confetti Park, children’s author Tommie Townsley of Lake Charles, Louisiana narrates the story of Amos the Artistic Alligator.

    Set in the Atchafalaya swamp, this is the tale of how Amos the alligator tries to outsmart old Mr. Homer, a Cajun trapper, who is looking for the perfect alligator to be placed in the zoo. But Amos and his friends create something that most alligators would never think of, and the surprise adds a cute twist to the story.

    Tommie Townsley was born in Sulphur, Louisiana and now lives in Lake Charles. She is Cajun and has written numerous children’s books about Cajun life, many of them about animals.

    This narration of Amos the Artistic Alligator is shared here with permission from Tommie Townsley. The book, illustrated by Anne Dentler, is available for purchase on Amazon and at

    Tommie is the chairperson of the Southwest Louisiana Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Guild and publisher of Ally-Gator BookBites Publishing House in Lake Charles. Learn about Tommie Townsley and check out her books at